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August 02, 2011


damien auksorius

hi my names damien auksorius ,as people trust these online reputations people ,they are really there to get your money ,not to reallt help you.


Thanks for the great information! I really loved the way you have put this in a chat type of
environment. Your article was really easy to understand!
Thanks again!

Damien Henry

My doctor, whom I think is wonderful & have been going to her for years, has several bad reviews on Yahoo. It's such a shame. I don't think any of them are really even true. But it's that easy for anyone to post slander or bash a person or company on the internet. You really do have to keep on top of it.

John Moor

This is the blog I was looking for. It’s really full of important information. It’s so impressive.
John Moor

Bicycle Accident Lawyer

I've seen some horrific stories about this as well... I know a company that was slammed by a group of people and basically had their search engine results dominated or even hijacked...

What a mess..

Allison Shields

Excellent point, Gwynne, thanks!

Gwynne (@econwriter5)

I'd suggest, when checking search engines, to search normally, and also by putting "" around your name. Results aren't always the same.

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