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February 13, 2013


Allison Shields


Thanks for your comment. I guess it depends on how you define "worst." The point is to get to tasks that you are avoiding or that generally get left on the back burner. For almost every single lawyer I know, email is one of the things they are constantly checking, so email doesn't really fit in to the 'worst' category.

As for time tracking, although it may help you to see where you are spending your time (assuming you are accurately tracking), it won't help you get to those tasks you've been avoiding. You'll need another strategy for that.

Vincent Churchil

"Do the worse first" - Really interesting...

But most people consider checking email as the worst task, but if you say it must be done first, I am sure it would consume most of our valuable time. So, do what you have to do at the provided time. To make this possible have a time tracking tool and a task management tool.

We use Replicon Online timesheet for time tracking.


Great post....many can definitely use this strategy. Thanks!

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  • Allison C. Shields
  • 631-642-0221

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